08 June 2009

here we go

this will be my first real attempt at keeping up with a journal, so we shall see how it works out. i have a feeling that if i don't commit to it this time, the parents will have me shipped back to the united states in a cardboard box.

disclaimer: i don't like capitalizing things. if you have a problem with that, you should probably get over it now :-)

the first big step in my journey will start tomorrow with the trip down to atlanta to apply for a visa. hopefully everything will work out so that i don't have to go all michael phelps and swim there.

next week i'll fly down to miami and stay with some of my favorite family members (hi Tom and Carlos!) until the 19th when i leave for manaus.

in the link is an overview of where we will go on our trip. the places in the slideshow are pretty much in the opposite order of what we will be doing though.



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